Miso Soup with Vegetables: A Simple and Nourishing Recipe


Miso soup is a staple in Japanese cuisine known for its savory and umami-rich broth. This post will guide you through making a simple miso soup with vegetables, perfect for a quick and nourishing meal.


  1. What is Miso Soup with Vegetables?

    • Origins: Explain the role of miso soup in Japanese cuisine and how vegetables can be added for extra nutrition.
    • Ingredients: Miso paste, vegetable broth, tofu, and a variety of vegetables.
  2. Making the Miso Broth

    • Ingredients: Use miso paste, vegetable broth, and seasonings.
    • Recipe: Provide a basic recipe for the miso broth, including how to dissolve the miso paste properly.
  3. Preparing the Vegetables

    • Types: Common vegetables include mushrooms, spinach, and green onions.
    • Preparation Tips: How to chop and cook vegetables for the best texture and flavor.
  4. Adding Tofu

    • Types: Use firm or extra-firm tofu.
    • Preparation: How to cut and add tofu to the soup.
  5. Serving Miso Soup

    • Presentation: Serve hot in bowls with a sprinkle of green onions and seaweed.
    • Accompaniments: Suggest side dishes like steamed rice or pickled vegetables.
  6. Tips for Perfect Miso Soup

    • Flavor Balance: Adjust the amount of miso paste to taste.
    • Cooking Time: Avoid boiling the soup after adding miso to prevent bitterness.


  • Can I use red miso instead of white miso?
    Yes, red miso is stronger in flavor, so adjust the quantity to taste.

  • What if I don’t have miso paste?
    Miso paste is essential for authentic flavor. Check specialty stores or online for availability.

  • How do I store leftover miso soup?
    Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator and reheat gently.

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